A catalogue of images showing the research and construction and ongoing development of the Wick’d Beds https://photos.app.goo.gl/kNCCcJeVLPy3fMrL9
It is hard to describe the effect reading Victor Papanek ‘Design for the real world: human ecology and social change‘ 1973 had on me as an undergraduate art student. It shaped my entire adult existence. From the citation of David Krech (and Mark Rosenzweig) and the experiments with calorie restriction, […]
Being in a new location and with new bench to work on has proved an interesting challenge. I have had three attempts to make a new type of frame for the painting commission completed weeks ago. Three fails, but each one the technique is getting better. Lucky I have “painting […]
I don’t yet have a video of laying on the hide glue. So here is a still image showing two types of 100% pure hemp canvas stretched and ready for sizing. The hide glue (collagen) is made from pig and other animal skin and bone. It is water soluable and […]
I have already assembled the strainers (fixed at the corners) and stretched the canvas. Not hemp as did not have appropriate sizes and am attempting to use offcuts and so a series of smaller canvases will result. A4 size and slightly larger. I have a few series of landscape works […]