I have already assembled the strainers (fixed at the corners) and stretched the canvas. Not hemp as did not have appropriate sizes and am attempting to use offcuts and so a series of smaller canvases will result. A4 size and slightly larger. I have a few series of landscape works in mind so they will be featured soon enough.
In the meantime here is a story on Orestralia’s dwindling supply of old growth forest https://arena.org.au/logging-old-growth-forests-as-the-world-burns/.
Planing down timber for strainer bars to make painting supports. View from different angle. Still working on the portable work bench. It needs dog holes and another end stop for shooting timber. It’s all a bit modular as there is a silkscreen printing table top and a lightbox table top that fit on the legs you can see. But like I said, still working it out.