Culture at Work and Accelerator Gallery present The Common Wheel. Join Gilbert Grace and ARTCycyle Inc in The Common Wheel, a series of rides that include a rolling sketch tour to test and develop artists’ kits for cyclists; A rally cat race (think Ally Cat Race and invert it); […]
Hi All, I got in the Art on Paper show at Hazelhurst with a large drawing of the Mill Stream at Mortlake. Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, Gymea, 35 minutes from Sydenham rail station on the Cronulla line, then a short walk to the gallery. Presentation of awards and opening Friday 5th […]
Cementa13, Kandos. “Rocky” is the name given to one of the three, or is it four, iconic, physical landmarks on the Coomber Melon Mountain, high above the town of Kandos. Our guide for the morning was Dave who took us up, via the fire trails, maintenance trails and a scout […]
Our programme came out today: Programme To download the Cementa_13 Programme pdf, please click the image